Hello from New Mexico,

Welcome, thanks for visiting. Together we can create a culture of courage…. it’s my belief it’s possible if we listen to understand each other. Hope you have a nice visit!







Stand up and Fight

Stand up and Fight

I remember, years ago, listening to a speaker talking about “waking up to fight” (he used a James Bond analogy...stay with me a minute, I’ll get to it) his message WASN’T that of conservatism, liberalism, progressivism, leftism, Christianity, Buddhism, racism....or anything of the sort.....his message was that of HUMANISM 

(let’s face it, James Bond isn’t necessarily a beacon for anything.....well anything but pure entertainment anyway) however, in everything we experience we can learn...if we choose. So here’s what caught my attention and I listened intently during the rest of his talk....”we all know of James Bond, we all know he sleeps with his gun.....but here’s the difference between him and others who sleep with their gun (metaphorically speaking) he continues....James Bond wakes up and fights” 

Being a James Bond fan there’s something I realized right away......he doesn’t fight blindly, he doesn’t follow loose ideology, he’s a man of principle. Sure, you’re right many of his principles areas great, I agree (yes, he’s supposed to follow orders) you see he wakes up to fight what he believes is best for....well, essentially....humanity.....he doesn’t care what their religion is or who their party is.....he sees what’s wrong.....what’s evil.....what’s simply bad, what hurts the majority of humanity and he fights....remember not for king and country, not for his beliefs but for what is obviously right for humanity, which are at the core of his principles. I’ve seen with my own eyes destruction in Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle and beyond....(no, not during but have driven through after) what has happened is only good for one thing.....it’s only good for evil, for hate, for fear, for deceit and for conquer. 

#iamshiny #youareshiny #beshiny






#beadifferencemaker  #courageovercomfort 


Be Hope Sweatshirt - Royal Blue Acid Wash

Be Hope Sweatshirt - Royal Blue Acid Wash

WHY?? Many people ask WHY far to often, in my opinion.

WHY?? Many people ask WHY far to often, in my opinion.